Tuesday, July 12, 2016

12 July 2016 - Thunder and Lightning - Something Frightening

One thing I don't see very often anymore is Thunder Storms. They are kind of rare along the beach cities of southern California. The only thing you do hear about is the fires that get caused by lightning strikes further inland.

With the removal of the all electronic devices must be off during the flight rule, a new age of captured experiences has begun. On a recent travel day I had the fearful prospect of having to fly through/around a storm or having all my flights cancelled. (It happens) What is the last thing I like to see before my flight boards? Well, besides crying babies, it is:

Luck was mine as the flight was not delayed or cancelled. I think that we beat the storm front rolling in such that the pilot was able to fly over/around the bad weather. That being said, as the sun began to set I managed to record what a lightning storm looks like at 30k feet. The quality isn't the best, but it was really fascinating...

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