Thursday, March 10, 2016

10 March 2016 - When I'm Home in CA

I recently passed the 6 month mark of moving to California from Ohio. Psychologically, in terms of culture shock, I should be over the honeymoon phase, past the rage phase, and finally settled into my new routines.

The 6 Month Verdict:

So what is it like for an Eastern Ohio country boy from Carroll County?

First, after 33 years of Winter in Ohio, I really did not miss it. Any weeks I have been home over the past few months have seen me outside running, visiting the beach, and just generally enjoying lots of sunshine.

I left this (Photo Credit: Carissa Nettle - CP Half Marathon Dec 2013):

For this:

With every choice there are costs and benefits. So I will end this post with a list.

Costs of my move to CA-

  • Dramatically increased cost of living (I went from $400/mo splitting a 2br apt to $1000/mo) - I am considering moving to a 1br which will gobble up about 1700$ of my paycheck
    • We call it the Weather Tax
  • Greatly increased risk of skin cancer from sun exposure
  • Rush Hour (ever see an interstate, 8 lanes wide turn into a parking lot - that's every work day here)
    • Generally everything is crowded (especially on the weekend at the beaches) unless you time it correctly
    • the CA DMV....hahahahh hahahhaha (Crazy laughing continues...he probably needs a hug)
  • Higher Taxes - thanks liberals (i'm an independent; I've lived in a very conservative part of Ohio too so I know the contrast)
    • PS: I am a gun owner...

Benefits of my Move to CA-
  • I've lost about 20lbs of body fat. I am constantly outside and active, a thing I used to only do for about 60% of the year comfortably. 
    • Wednesday Run Group:
  • Access to the Ocean, a very cold one, but the ocean none the less
  • Awesome Sunsets nearly every day
  • There are some really amazing places to explore such as the Big Sur, Death Valley, Golden Gate Bridge, Napa Valley, San Diego Old Town and the Redwoods

That's it for now folks...I'll let you know my opinion when I hit the 1 year anniversary.

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