Friday, April 8, 2016

8 April 2016 - Guam Adventures - Part 3

My long business trip to Guam is winding down and I am starting to really miss my home in CA. The 84-90 degrees with humidity every day has started to get to me. That is like an Ohio summer day and I had enough of those for a life time. That being said, it is still plesant to the eyes...

I found a shopping center in Agana because I needed to buy some new Board Shorts (my new favorite swimwear). They happened to be having a cultural festival. Here is a video I captured of some really cool Chamorro dance/drumming:

One evening I tried out the Dinner Show at the hotel. Not sure why but the idea of playing with fire and grass skirts both terrified me and made me laugh. Sadly, however, the BBQ dinner was not fresh. Who serves BBQ on the beach from chaffing dishes??!!?!?

On Wednesday night, there is food/craft market in the Cheif's park in Agana. Finally, I found some REAL island BBQ. Parking can be scary here, but I got there early so it was great for me. I must have spent about $20 sampling everything!

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