Monday, February 20, 2017

20 Feb 2017 - Living Life Car-Free (another experiment)

On February 6th I said goodbye to my car, a mechanical companion of the last 8 years. It saved me during a time of high fuel prices and I practically lived out of it during my move to California in 2015. As part of Volkswagen's "diesel gate" settlement, I sold my car back to them for a nominal sum of cash.

Car being Inspected at Dealership

A few years ago, when I lived about half a mile from work I had a question on my mind. What would life be like without a car? I've been driving in some shape or form for the last 20 years. I've dealt with all the financial implications including car payments, fuel costs, insurance, constant maintenance, expensive repairs, and a few driving awards from the state highway patrol. At that time, the harsh winters of Ohio reminded me that...well umm...idea would suck.

I had about a year to plan for this event. Yet, I spent most of that time feeling indecisive. Here were some of the other options...

  • Buy the Dodge Challenger R/T I've had my eyes on since 2009 - This is a throwback to a dream my father used to have in the 1960-70s. In 2013 I took one of the most amazing road trips of my life. Here are some photos

  • Buy the Ford Mustang GT  as a throwback (update) to my late teens/early 20s
    • Here was my 1996 GT: 
  • Buy another VW, a Golf GTI, a fun little turbo I rented a few years ago that I really enjoyed driving (strangely enough I actually still like the VW brand, even if they are professed cheaters)

  • Buy a cheap used minivan for my ultimate weekend surfing/camping adventures

Three of these options require me to go back into debt...I really want to avoid that state as long as I can. Two of these options support my surfing hobby;moreover, transporting an 8ft. board is not easy. I am still once bitten - twice shy from 2009's $5 a gallon gas prices.

Summary of Car Free Living-

For the past three weeks, my indecisiveness has meant quite a few walks to and from work (.65 miles one way) and many rides through the Uber App. Going to the Grocery Store requires extra planning as I either have to use a collapsible cart (I feel like a little old lady; absolutely ridiculous) or buy only what I can carry 0.8 miles. Going to my 6am workout on Tuesday and Thursday means starting out on a 1.7 mile run around 5:30am and hopefully having enough energy to run 1.7 miles back for a shower before another 0.6 mile walk to work. Going to the bank means planning a 4 mile round trip walk or bike ride (bike requires additional planning and prep + lock).

On the bright side, I am getting more exercise.

With a few business trips coming up, I don't feel any hurry to buy something that is just going to sit in the parking garage. Maybe I will rent a car for a day or two....Stay Tuned...

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