Friday, April 28, 2017

27 April 2017 - Singapore - Part 4

During my last weekend in Singapore, I took a trip to an island called Santosa.


It seems like a party place mostly with resorts, theme parks, beaches, and other tourist attractions. My goal was to visit the Aquarium. I think I really lucked out and got to visit at a time when it was only moderately busy. Aquariums always seem to relax me (which is rather amazing because there are usually screaming toddlers). The large tank rivaled one of my favorites in Atlanta. However, this location did not have any penguins.

Later on in the weekend, I spent a large amount of time hiking around the Botanical Gardens. When I spend a large amount of time stuck in a city, I always long to escape to the outdoors. It usually feels strange to find a large open space with lots of trees in a metropolis.

Finally, I spent the rest of the evening at the gardens by the bay. I was hoping to see what all the fuss was about the light show. I'd explored part of this place earlier in my trip during a few morning runs. It was kind of nice watching the sunset here.

As night fell, everything lit up. It was brilliant and a great deal of fun walking about exploring the transformation.

All in all, it ended up being a nice work trip, although I am happy to leave the heat and humidity and return to my home in California. Until next time adventurers...

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