Monday, August 7, 2017

7 August 2017 - Car and Hair update...

So after all those months of car free living, I finally got a replacement.

Yep, I went with the RT Challenger. It is probably one of the dumbest (financially) and simultaneously enjoyable purchases I will ever make. It is an absolute relief to not have to walk, bus, bike, or uber everywhere. I've finally gotten back to the beach a few times for some surfing sessions.

Opportunity costs being what they are, I do have my doubts. Going from the 40mpg jetta to this 12mpg gas hog stings worse than I thought it would (I've only driven about 200 miles a month, however). I am experiencing cognitive dissonance between wanting to help the environment and destroying it with this machine. Having a car payment for the first time in 3 years is manageable, but I don't like it.

Of course these doubts evaporate every time I get behind the wheel and hit that gas peddle.

Here is an update on growing out my hair. It is starting to get a little crazy. I's about 4-6" longer than a year ago.

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