Saturday, October 21, 2017

21 October 2017 - Hocking Hills State Park - Logan, Ohio

One of my favorite hiking areas is located is south east Ohio, about 3 hours drive from Cleveland. I was first introduced to Hocking Hills about 23 years ago on a camping trip. I've gone back on my one half a dozen times.

In my opinion, the best time to see it is if you can catch the fall season where the leaves are changing color and the temperatures are in a perfect 50-70 degree F range. This past weekend the weather cooperated...its been about 2-3 years since I have had this good of an opportunity. I left Cleveland about 6am. The sunrise in Wayne county was brilliant.

I found an abandoned map on a picnic table near the parking lot. I took a few photos with my phone, not sure why...

My goal was to park at Cedar Falls and split out the Grandma Gatewood Trail. This 10-12 mile round trip trail connects Old Man's Cave, Cedar Falls, and Ash Cave. During past hiking trips I have camped at the state park and started and finished at Old Man's Cave. Usually, the last 2-3 miles from Cedar Falls back to OMC is crowded and my feet hurt a whole bunch. This time around I was giving myself an easy option to take a break and only go as far as I felt I wanted to.

I started off heading towards Ash Cave. It was an amazing Appalachian woodlands morning!

Along the way I passed the old fire watch tower. "Climb at your own risk". This is one of the highest points in the county and offers 360degrees of breathtaking views. Worth the risk...

I returned to the trail and finished another mile, arriving at Ash cave sooner than I expected. The tourist traffic was starting to pickup, but the cave was still peaceful.

After taking in the views of Ash Cave, I returned the way I previously had traveled. Back at the car I had a small snack, then started out towards Old Man's Cave. Cedar falls was super crowed by this point so I chose to skip it. The start of the trail near the falls was packed with day hikers, boy scout troops, and lost tourists. Yet, after a mile of walking, I found myself momentarily alone and at peace.

All in all, the day was a success. The woods and mountains have a strange way of resetting me. The stress of the city fades away and life just seems to make more sense. I left Logan, Ohio around 4pm for a 3 hour drive to Magnolia. The day had one last gift to give... Check out this sunset.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

14 October 2017 - 10 Mile Run @ Rocky River Metro Park, Ohio

Five to six times a year I travel back to Westlake, Ohio for team meetings and professional development. Ohio is currently hitting the fall weather I love. I like to joke that an Ohio fall is a lovely 6 days of perfect weather that occurs between hot humid summer and stupid cold winter that lasts the rest of the year. 

I couldn't miss the opportunity to hit the metro park trails. With 3 weeks until my San Francisco half marathon, the long run training needs to happen. Also known as the Emerald Necklace of Cleveland, the metro park trails cover nearly 75 miles of river valley. These trails are both bike and runner friendly.

I set a goal to go 10 miles starting from the marina near Lake Erie. Here are some photo highlights...


Sunday, October 8, 2017

8 October 2017 - Long Beach Half Marathon

"Why do I keep signing up for these?" was the question going through my head over and over. I certainly don't need any more medals or running shirts. It must be for my health, however everyone keeps saying I am ruining my knees.

Thanks to Jet Lag I was already awake at 3am so a 30 minute drive to Long Beach would prove easy. I loitered around the parking garage, reading my book, and then wandered over to watch the Marathon start at 6am, thankful I wasn't doing that distance today.

My race actually didn't start until around 7:30am, my wave actually went at 8am. I enjoyed the usual experience of people watching at the starting area. For some this was going to be their first half marathon. it was my super sweet 16th.

I have not done real well over the last 3 weeks with training as my bike incident still haunts me. Also running a race with jet lag is starting to make it harder. I did my best to take the first few miles slowly and felt pretty good. I got a few nice photos as well.

By mile 7 things were starting to hurt. I got the obligatory mile marker selfie (even had a photo bomb on purpose). By mile 9 it was starting to get really hot out. For the first time in a long time I started to feel the symptoms of "hitting the wall". In the end I finished and that was my main goal. This race completed the Beach Cities challenge (OC, HB, and LB) so I earned a starfish medal too.

San Francisco next month..."Why do I keep signing up for these things?"

Thursday, October 5, 2017

5 October 2017- A few photos from Cavan, Ireland

It was a unique work trip. I stayed at a small town called Cavan, smack dab in the middle of the island. The hotel, chosen by my employer's travel agency was a spa/golf course called Farnham Estate. Every other day I seemed to get a really nice photo. Here are a few for your enjoyment...

Time to head is a not so pretty photo...

Sunday, October 1, 2017

1 October 2017 - Ireland, EU/UK

It has been about 5 years since I have last been on the island. The previous trip in 2012 was a small idea I voiced during my mom's wedding in 2011. I was actually joking about a Cannon/McKay family trip at the time. However, when my uncle Don called me in February of the next year, it became a reality. It ended up being a great time, touring Dublin, Cliffs of Moher, and Galway. There was one key place I did not get to see in 2012 due to an impending business trip.

Today, due to another business trip I find myself in Ireland again. I arrived a day early to try and fight jet lag (typing this at 1am Monday morning...sigh). I drove for 2.5 hours from Dublin, through Belfast, and strait to the Giant's Causeway (50million year old Lava Formation). My mom and uncle had sent me some photos from the last trip so I've wanted to see it myself. It did not disappoint!

On sheer accident, I didn't realize how close the Giant's Causeway was to the town of Bushmills. I am embarrassed to call myself a whisky aficionado because it is home to one of the most famous Irish distilleries in the world. Yes, I've toured Jameson in Dublin, but my Scotch snobbery left me not thinking of this place. Of course I had to stop and take a tasting tour...

It was an excellent end to a good day and a long weekend of travel. I'm now thinking about a certain set of Bourbon Distilleries I have to still visit in Kentucky. Nevertheless, I feel ready to take on the work week ahead.

As for the flight back to LAX and running of the Long Beach Half Marathon next weekend...well... baby steps.