Saturday, January 26, 2019

26 January 2019 - Dodgers Fan Day - Los Angeles, CA, USA

I've never much fancied myself to be a sports person. Usually, what happens is if I happen to be trapped somewhere and a game is on, I'll get sucked into it until the game is over. Then, I return to my blissful ignorance.

A few years ago I took an old friend to an Anaheim Angels vs Cleveland Indians game as a gift. I had not been to a stadium for about 20 years. That game reawakened my interest in Baseball. I choose to continue rooting for Cleveland even though I am on the other side of the country.

My girlfriend and her family are diehard LA Dodgers fans. I have chosen the Dodgers as my second favorite team. Recently, we took a drive up to Dodgers stadium for fan appreciation day.

We met up outside the main gate and entered with an excited sense of anticipation. Part of the day included getting to walk out onto the field as well as explore the dugout. My only regret of the day is that I did not try a "Dodger Dog" but at the same time had the self-control not to get nachos. What a fun day!

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