Sunday, February 3, 2019

3 February 2019 - Surf City Half Marathon - Huntington Beach, CA USA

For the 3rd year in a row, I am working to earn my surfboard medal. This is usually my first race of the year and serves to keep me accountable through December and January. This race is a nice flat course that mostly follows the Pacific Coast Highway. The Saturday before this year's race was rather scary with lots of rain and colder temperatures. However, race day weather was much more forgiving.

As I lined up for the start, once again I marvelled at how many other crazy people wanted to run 13.1 miles this early February day.

I got my usual mile seven selfie of a selfie. Not sure why I like to do this other than I find it mildly entertaining.

As the run progressed, I settled into a new pace. Rather than do my 2018 interval of 2min run/1min walk, I started doing 2min run/30sec walk. Mile 12 appeared rather quickly with this new pace.

Once again, I earned myself another race completion. I'm not sure if I will do the fourth year of this event.

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