Saturday, February 9, 2019

9 February 2019 - Ventura and Solvang Road Trip, CA, USA

My sweetheart had once told me a story of a common road trip her family would take every so often. There is a town a few hours north of Los Angeles called Solvang. It is one of the largest Danish-themed towns in the USA. After hearing her stories, I wanted to see it for myself. So we took off one fine Saturday Morning and headed north. After a few hours of driving, we stopped in Ventura and wandered out on the pier.

After this stop, we continued northward. Eventually, we arrived at Solvang. It was a perfect day for a road trip and a tour of this town.

We enjoyed a wine tasting, explored a few of the antique shops, purchased some sugar cookies, and generally had a good time. This trip was spontaneous so as the sun set we headed back down the coast.

On the drive home, we stopped at Arroyo Hondo Vista Point around 9pm. There were a few #VanLife people parked here and the view of the ocean was obscured by the night. However, the light pollution of Ventura and the greater LA area did not reach this place so the stars were shining brightly. What a wonderful day!

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