Wednesday, June 1, 2016

1 June 2016 - Inverness, Scotland UK

I was going to stay another day in Fort William, but upon announcing said intent to the front desk, I was informed that an international mountain bike competition was about to begin and everything was booked solid through the weekend. Sometimes things happen for a reason so I purchased an 8GBP bus ticket to Inverness, booked a hotel, and started on to my next town. I forgot how much I dislike traveling by bus. The darn suspension made me feel seasick...I only got a photo of Loch Lochy (and was too upset to get one of Loch Ness).

Something strange has been happening on this trip. I am now enjoying a 4th day of sunshine. This has never happened to me in the UK. Usually it is 70-80% rain/snow/clouds ("Quiet desperation is the English way") and maybe a brief moment of sunlight. The last time I saw Inverness, it was during a raining drive through on the way back to Edinburgh. I knew there was something good here...

The name, Inverness, means "mouth of the river Ness". There are a variety of trails in this historic town. It is also one of the ends of the Great Glen Way. The other end, we witnessed yesterday in Fort William. I focused on the river loop.

Well this ends my adventures into Scotland for now. Some day I want to return and visit Speyside, home of some of my favorite whisky distilleries. My next stop is back to Edinburgh, then on to London, and finally South Hampton for a week of work.

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