Monday, January 1, 2018

27 December 2017 - Visiting Ohio for Christmas Vacation

It can be rather expensive to travel from California to Ohio when it is not for a work trip. I promised my dad that each year I would at least try to be home for either Thanksgiving or Christmas. This year was an xmas year. Back in July I spent some of my airline miles to book a first class ticket home. I do not like to fly during the holidays so anything I can do to reduce the stress is helpful. I got a dramatically cheaper flight going LAX to CMH.

I rented a car and set off towards amish country, needing to get my Walnut Creek Store fix. I know that cheese, bacon, and beef jerky are not healthy. But I love em! Someday I will probably have to give this up.

Ohio was it's usual weird weathery self. At the start of my trip it was averaging around 10C or 50F and a mix of clouds, rain, and occasional sun. It is a nostalgic hope that I get to see a "White Christmas"...that is, where it snows for xmas day. My friend David from Puerto Rico once told me that he had never seen snow and wished to see it someday. I went ahead an threw together a little youtube video.

Overall I had a nice visit with family but was pretty relieved to return to SoCal when the temperatures started to drop to 4F. Here is one last winter picture...

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