Sunday, January 7, 2018

7 January 2018 - Lanexa, Kansas - USA

When I have a work trip scheduled during mid-winter, I tend to dread going to cold places. I moved to California for the primary reason of escaping the cold weather. I lived through 33 winters...I've done my time. In spite of that, I ended up having a good business trip. There were quite a few good sunsets to witness. Here are a few highlight photos.

The last time I was here in 2015 I wanted to try some BBQ, but the restaurant was closed. This trip I was able to go. The name of the place is Kansas City (formerly Oklahoma) Joes.

A side bonus on this trip was that I discovered what I believe is one of the best recreation centers in the country. Two words: Water Slides! In addition, they have one of the longest indoor tracks in the world so I was able to continue my half marathon training. All of this for $10 a visit.

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