Friday, January 8, 2016

2016 Disney World Marathon Weekend Part 3 - 10k

Friday - 10k

Another run through Epcot... I really wasn't all that worried about 6.2 miles...that has been my "short" run for the last month.

The real challenge here is that it rained for an hour before and during most of this race. The 3am wake-up was perfect for this one. During the previous day they handed out Mylar (space) blankets at the finish line. I had it with me in the van, but decided to leave it behind...I could have totally used it as a poncho while I stood in the race corral D for about an hour waiting to start. There was a moment, thanks to the rain, where I considered quitting this whole thing.

Near the end of the race the rain stopped and I ended up having a good time. There were a few points where I felt like I could just keep running forever. I should have ignored these feelings as I would pay for the extra effort during the remaining days. Once again, with the race complete, I retired to relaxing for the rest of the day.

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