Sunday, October 9, 2016

9 October 2016 - Kyoto - Japan Vacation Part 7

Travel companion David McDowell and I, having left the Mooks and Motts in Tokyo, took a Shinkansen (bullet train) to Kyoto. These trains are a modern marvel. For trips of this distance it is cheaper and more comfortable than flying. A JR Rail Pass makes it even easier for tourists.

Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan, is a great place to visit. It has just a stark contrast to the metropolis of Tokyo. The temples and shrines are some of the oldest and most ornate in the world. There are many history and art museums to enjoy as well.

See David for size reference?
725 year old Nanzen-ji shrine

This is the rest of the city..

I love the history and tech of Katana. Want to know more?

One of my favorite shrines is the Heian Shrine (Shinto) because of the massive garden. For about 600 Yen you can get lost for hours in nature and your mind.

On this trip I made a new discovery. Kyoto is a hiker's paradise, the city is surrounded by hills and forest and lots of trails. I plan to come back and do more hiking here.

We ended the day's walking tour at a very popular market and the Otowa-san Kiyomizu-dera temple. I am told that this is the temple single people like to visit to pray for a husband or wife...there are 2 love stones...if you can walk between with your eyes closed you will find true love.

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