Wednesday, September 20, 2017

20 September 2017 - Road Trip - Grand Canyon Part 2

As the roosters started crowing, I packed up my campsite at 6 AM (an old throwback to my boy scout days). I was determined to maximize my time today at the Grand Canyon. I wanted to make it to one of the ends of the south rim trail. I was also going to figure out the bus system.

Each stop of the shuttle bus yielded a new amazing view. Sometimes I would hike to the next spot, other times I rode the bus. I started by heading to the Hermit Road (to get to the western point of Hermit's Rest).

I learned that most of the people arriving at the park this morning were going to hike the Bright Angel trail. The complete trail which goes all the way to the Colorado River is a 22mile round trip. New life goal set. I'll be back in the next few years with some friends to complete this. I did about 1/4 mile to test out the trail. I even saw a mule team returning from the bottom led by a man I would expect to hear the phrase "I reckon.." from. Here are a few photos to give you a visual into the size and scope:

To be continued...

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