Thursday, September 15, 2016

15 Sep 2016 - Work and Hair

One major question I get from time to time is what do I do such that I get to travel all the time? It is usually my family members that are the hardest ones to describe it to.

Officially I am a technical trainer. I teach programmers, engineers, and system admins how to do their job. Unlike most trainers, I actually come from an engineering/programming background so the technical part of my role fits quite nicely. I also have a "radio voice" so I tend to do quite well presenting. To that end I've finally got some photos...

In other news...
This week I surprised quite a few people as I have started growing out my hair. "I'm not used to seeing you with hair like that" was the common phrase. For the last 20 years I have worn an ultra short military style crew cut. Over the last 3 months I have let it grow out of curiosity and laziness. Maybe I am trying to go for the surfer look.

Usual Look:

With 3 months of growth...

I am not sure how far this will go. I'll probably get sick of it. We'll see.

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