Thursday, September 29, 2016

29 September 2016 - Kamakura day trip - Japan Vacation Part 3

Zach invited David and I to take a day tour of the City of Kamakura. It is located along the coast to the south of Tokyo. We met up at Ikabukaro Station during rush hour and made a 1 hour train ride to the south. Ah rush hour...

First, we visited the Hase-Dara Buddhist temple.

Next, we walked to the Kotoku-in  Buddhist temple, home of one of the largest Bronze statues of Buddha in the world. David was especially interested in the did they build that?

After that, I got the bright idea to follow a random hiking trail named "Diabutsu". I love to hike. Dave, not so much. There may or may not have been random references to My Neighbor Totoro. We exited the woods and visited a few more temples/shrines. Next time I am in Japan and the weather is cooperating, I would like to spend more time hiking.

A little later on, we finally found ourselves at Tsurugaoka HachimangÅ«, one of the most important Shinto Shrines in Kamakura. This one was quite massive.

We ended the day with a fresh Sushi Dinner before making the train ride back to Tokyo. You know the food in most TV commercials is absolutely fake. Japan takes that a step further with the most detailed collection of plastic foods in most restaurant storefronts. It works...I'm getting hungry right now...

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