Wednesday, August 24, 2016

24 August 2016 - Brisbane, Australia Part 4

My second week in Brisbane has been rather eventful for a work week. I started the week by taking a personal Kayak tour of the river. There is a nice facility on the southeast bank called Riverlife. At this location they specialize in a number of outdoor tours and activities. I have not been in a kayak in about 20 years (we used to do a Boy Scout event in Magnolia, Ohio during Canal Days on the pond outside the Elson Lumber mill).

I was trying to do the group class at 1pm on Sunday, but somehow booked the 2 hour personal rental instead. This meant when I showed up for the class, it was already full and I would have to go it on my own. In the end this worked out in my favor as I was able to set the pace and go much further then a group. As I was paddling back I passed 3 fast rowers (unhappy), 7 medium pace, and 3 people holding up the entire group (one was a texting teen, whose boat was tied to their parents'). Here is a nice video from the Riverlife company:

The second major event for the week was that I was surprised to find out that the new Marvel Thor movie was being filmed in front of my hotel. The experience was mixed. It was really inconvenient to be a hotel guest due to the number of security guards constantly harassing me and the number of movie tourists blocking the sidewalks. At the same time my inner geek was screaming for joy. The news stations really captured the experience best:

I managed to get a few photos as well. You could tell when Christ or Tom was near as all the girls (and some of the guys) would scream.

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