Thursday, June 8, 2017

27 May 2017 - Bike to the Beach - Orange County, CA

With all my travel and running I feel like I really neglect my bicycle. I decided to enjoy the holiday weekend with a ride down to Newport Beach. It is a nice journey along the San Diego Creek trail followed by a ferry boat ride across the channel. After I made this 9 mile trek, I stopped for lunch in the Fun Zone!

Next, I headed a few blocks over to the Beach. It is just before tourist season starts so the crowds are not too bad. I walked out on the pier, took a few photos, called some friends and family, and then returned to my Bike. At this point in the ride I had planned to return...but I decided to ride North West. Before I knew it, I had ridden another 8 miles and found myself at Huntington Beach.

I decided to head back home using the Pacific Coast Highway and then loop around the upper part of the Back Bay. Along the way I found a Memorial day walk of fallen heroes. I often take my American Freedoms for granted. I walked along the flags here saying thank you to those that paid for freedom with their lives.

I returned to my apartment, 30 miles completed. It was a perfect day for a ride.

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