Monday, May 28, 2018

28 May 2018 - Glacier National Park, MT

I started my day in the city of Kalispell, MT. I had driven the previous day for about 8 hours to get here so I could have more time in Glacier National Park. While I had grandiose plans to camp this trip, colder temperatures, a lack of planning, and just general laziness had me staying at hotels. I headed for the West Entrance of the park...

I stopped at the visitor center, heard a lecture on bear safety, then headed for a local bike trail. It appeared from a map that a lake was nearby.

I enjoyed my little hike through the woods. Eventually, I found myself on the shores of Lake McDonald. This is one of about 7-10 really scenic places in this park. There is a famous road, called the Going-To-The-Sun-Road, that I was hoping to drive. Sadly, according to the morning paper, snow crews were still clearing so only about 13 miles were ready. I drove about 6 to get a closer look at the mountains.

Next, I left the park and followed state route 2 and 89 around the park. It started getting later in the day so I did not enter the Lake Saint Mary side on the east.

I was starting to get impatient to see Banff in Canada and new the drive to Calgary would take some time. Also, I was not sure what Canadian customs would be like. My last trip to Canada was nearly 20 years ago during a high school trip to Toronto. Needless to say, the border guards had me wait about 10 mins while they reviewed my travels. Eventually, they allowed me to continue. The next 2.5 hours of driving to Calgary were the most boring, flat, farmland of my entire trip.

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