Tuesday, May 29, 2018

29 May 2018 - Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada - Part 2

There was so much "awesome" to be found in Banff, that I decided to split this post into a second part. One of my biggest desires for more than a decade was to see the BLUE-GREEN lakes. These glacier-fed beauties lie right along the continental divide and basically feed all the rivers splitting out from the rocky mountains and head towards the pacific ocean and gulf of mexico. The first lake was Lake Louise (lake of the little fishes).

My next destination was Lake Moraine, a location made famous by many sources such as Microsoft Windows 7/10 login screens, the back side of certain Canadian 20$ bills, the Android OS background, and National Geographic to name a few. I was a little worried at first as this lake, located about 14km up a narrow road from Lake Louise, had a limit to the number of cars/RVs allowed. Luckily, the park ranger running the barricade let me pass. This place is now one of my favorite places on the planet! I'll let the photos tell the story...

I spent hours at this location, hiking, meditating, and just generally listening to the rushing water. I wish I could have rented a canoe and explored a little further. With the day fading away I decided to return to the USA as I had a promise to keep to be home by Friday. By the way here is the rental car I drove all this time... (Hyundai Velocitor)

The rocky mountain side of Alberta/British Columbia was a dramatically better drive than the one from Montana to Calgary. There were beautiful mountains and lakes. The drive into Idaho and later Washington was pleasant.

I drove until I ran out of sunlight, stopping for the night in Spokane, WA.

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