Saturday, May 28, 2016

28 May 2016- Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

I spent a long weekend in Edinburgh (pronounced Ed - In - Burr - AH) because about 6 months previously I had signed up for the Half Marathon. This is one of my destination/dream/bucketlist races because I love visiting this city. I had also invited my Uncle Mike McKay to make his first trip here, but sadly he was not able to travel. This is my 5th or 6th visit to this city. It's nice to finally enjoy some vacation time instead of work.

I managed a nice hike up Arthur's Seat in Holyrood park. I was trying to taper for my race but got a little too stir crazy so I took this hike.

At the end of my hike I stopped by a restaurant for my pre-race dinner super food: PIZZA! It might just be a coincodence, but every time I have a long race, if I eat a greasy/salty pizza the night before, I tend to have a great run. It either works really well or it is just dietary guilt that spurs me on.

The race day ended up being cloudy, but rain-free. It was an awesome run through old neighborhoods and along the coast (reminded me of Huntington beach). I was very happy with my time of 2 Hours and 34 Minutes. This was faster than my March Puerto Rico run and dramatically faster than my Orange County race 3 weeks ago.

After the race, I spent the day shopping and drinking on the Royal Mile. I know it is a tourist trap and I still love it anyways. It is just such a unique experience! You are constantly hearing bag pipes, see lots of kilts, and can enjoy some of the best whisky in the world.

Here's a wee bit o that sweet sound...

Adventure to be continued....

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