Monday, May 30, 2016

30 May 2016 - Tyndrum, Scotland UK (The Highlands)

With my half marathon out of the way it was time to take a trip north into the Highlands. At first I was planning to rent (British Term = HIRE) a car but at a cost of 400 British Pounds I would have spent about $600 for 5 days of driving. Instead, for 40 pounds I found I could use the ScotRail service. So I traveled to Glasglow, switched trains and then continued on towards the Trossachs National Park.

Around 3pm I arrived at my destination. Tyndrum is a small village in Scotland. Its Gaelic name translates as "the house on the ridge". It lies in Strathfillan, at the southern edge of Rannoch Moor. I visited this location about 4 years ago during a tour and have wanted to return on my own for some time. The location is just to the north of Loch Lomond and occurs at a major highway split (and dual train stations). On my previous trip I noticed a few hiking trails...I love to hike! Just like my tryst last year of a few miles on the Appalachian trail, on this trip I got to get a taste of part of the West Highland Way, a 96 mile long distance hike that is sneaking its way onto my bucket list.

Another reason I wanted to return to this location was a tourist trap of a rest stop called The Green Welly. The last time I was here as part of a tour group I felt rushed as I visited this place. This time I got to take my time, enjoy the location, and avoid the tour groups. I recalled enjoying the fish soup the last time and once again it was great. I settled in at a local Pub/Inn for 30GBP in what was the smallest room I have ever stayed in.

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