Saturday, August 6, 2016

6 August 2016 - A day on Atwood Lake, Ohio

Last week I had a nice work trip back to Cleveland. I stayed a few extra days so I could go visit my family at Atwood Lake. I started my Saturday by petting the kitty. I have named this super friendly stray cat "Gizmo" (better than the workers at the boat shop who call her "Kitty"®).

"A bad day at the lake is better than a good day at the office" - something my Uncle Brian once told me. The day started off with my brother wanting to capture video of his new boats for his business (advertising). Want to see the "movie"?

One of my goals for this trip was to go water Skiing. I have not managed to go skiing for nearly 15 years. Why? Mostly college, work, and a back injury eating up my free time over the years. If you have followed my other posts, you know I like to be active with running, biking, surfing, and hiking. Out of sheer curiosity I requested my brother set up a ski boat and give me a shot. The results?

My father had advised me to only go out for a mile or two and then stop as I would be sore having used core muscles I have blatantly ignored. He was not kidding. Getting older can sometimes really stink! I spent some good years as a teenager on this lake with friends skiing and fishing. My friend, CrazyBillyBob, calls this activity "Stupid Human Tricks".

My back and everything else was complaining for the rest of the day. But I know the perfect solution for that...end the day with a glass of bourbon and some smoked meat!

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