Friday, August 14, 2015

Moving to California - Day 1 - August 14th - Ohio to Indiana

After 4 years of planning, today's 33rd Birthday marked a major step towards my next adventure. At around 1300 EST I left my father's home in Magnolia, Ohio to start a road trip across the USA. Eventually, I should end up in Irvine, CA. In between I am going to have some fun with my new found freedom.

Before embarking on this trip I made sure to enjoy some quality time on Atwood Lake with my Brother's family.

I also spent some time with LAN pals Trgtprctc and CrazyBillyBob

Day 1 items of note:

Visited Walnut Creek Cheese (Amish Country) for some good food.
Stopped at Wildwood Music to see my Uncle Don McKay (I missed seeing Brian).

I also stopped in Dayton, OH and had dinner with Mike and Ryan McKay. (Sadly, I missed out on seeing Kelly, Sean, Adam, or Martha.)

Here is a hastily edited video of today's experience (time-Lapse across Ohio and into Indiana).

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