Monday, August 17, 2015

Moving to California - Day 4 - August 17th - Sioux Falls, SD to Custer, SD

Today marked the first time on a trip that I did not actually leave a state. While the first half of South Dakota was rather rainy and boring, the second half delivered. I finally found Wall Drug and made it just in time to see Mt. Rushmore before a storm cloud hid the mountain.

First, I took a chance and visited the "Corn Palace" in Mitchell, SD. So what is it? I guess you could call it a shine to all things corn. Honestly, it was just a High School Gynasium being used as a museum and gift shop.

During the last 24 hours in this state, every few miles I would see a small sign about Wall Drug. It was actually starting to get annoying because I started at mile marker 390 and the exit for Wall was not until 110. None the less, I really liked this unique drug store and small town. I made sure to enjoy some home made ice cream and a fresh slice of Apple Pie. As a bonus it was right on the edge of the Badlands so I got to see some of the cliffs.

I ended the day by finally making it to the city of Rapid, SD. The storm clouds had rolled back in and I had about 25 miles to go to get to Mt. Rushmore, the whole reason for this side trip. As luck would have it I made it into the Black Hills National forest, through the unique town of Keystone, and got to see Mt. Rushmore before clouds covered it for the rest of the evening. I spent an hour at the monument, enjoying the cafe and the President's Walk hiking trail.

Here is my sad photo...
...And here is what you see in good weather.

Here is the time Lapse for the day.

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