Sunday, August 16, 2015

Moving to California - Day 3 - August 16th - Kansas to Sioux Falls, SD

Today I had a spontaneous change of plans. I started with a nice 5 mile run/walk. During the run I got the bright idea to go visit Mt. Rushmore. I sent a text to my bro in Denver letting him know about the route change, I still intend to see him.
Before leaving the fine state of Kansas, I took a stop at Worlds of Fun, a Cedar Fair park. It is not anywhere near as impressive as Cedar Point or Kings Island but there were no lines and they did have 2 acceptable coasters (Patriot and Mamba).
Come take a ride with me...

The rest of the day I spent driving. It was neat to see Omaha. Near the end of the day I hit my first bad weather of the trip (the time lapse results are interesting). I didn't even see Sioux City, IA. I made it safely to Souix Falls, SD. Tomorrow I will visit Mt Rushmore for the first time in my life. The speed is insane here...
Here is the Time Lapse of Day 3's drive

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