Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Moving to California - Day 5 - August 18th - Black Hills, SD to Frisco, CO

Today I left the mountains of the Black Hills National Park with the goal to get to Denver, Colorado. This is a part of my journey I have been looking forward to because of the epic drive along the Rocky Mountains and for the opportunity to see my bro John Jr.

I started the day in Custer, SD. The temperature was 50F or 10C and represented a major change from Ohio's summer "fun".

First, I knocked out a 2.5 Mile run, which covers the entire length of the town. Then, thanks to the colder temperatures, I had to find a gas station to add air to my tires.

After that, I spent about an hour wandering around town and visiting the shops. There was a great deal of leftover stuff from the Sturgis rally.

I made a nice discovery when I crossed the state line into Wyoming. A completely self contained (mostly solar) roadside rest. I would love to build an off the grid home some day so this successful location was rather inspiring.

One of my last stops of the day was to enjoy a burger and a beer with my bro, John Cannon Jr.

Who is John Cannon Jr.? A few years ago when my mother remarried, he became my step brother. For a time I really didn't know him all that well and the rush of life and work did not make it easy to visit. About a year and a half ago he up and moved away from Ohio to take up residence in Denver. I have watched his progress very actively, knowing that I would soon be doing something similar (it is what I am now doing, except the destination is Irvine, CA).

John Jr. is one of the most extroverted human beings I have ever met. How extroverted? One day after work I met John at a bistro/bar where he introduced me to a nice young lady whom I assumed (based on her conversation) was a life long friend. Instead, this woman was simply someone he met 5 mins before I arrived. Conversely, it is important to note that I am an introvert. This doesn't mean I am shy, it just means I find large groups of people very draining/stressful.

During my last business trip to CA, I flew JC Jr. out and spent a few days with him. At first he annoyed the living daylights out of me with his constant desire to go to public places such as bars and concerts. But ultimately, he turned out to be a great person, challenging me to get outside my introverted bubble of a comfort zone. He also has amazing taste in music and an incredible sense for finding concerts and festivals.

Here is your time lapse for day 5...

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