Saturday, August 15, 2015

Moving to California - Day 2 - August 15th - Indiana to Kansas

Today's main goal was to make it to Spring Hill, KS to visit my friend and co-worker, Josh. My GoPro gave me a little trouble (photo every 2 seconds setting would crash at photo 999) at the start of the day so half the footage was lost. I still enjoyed the rest of my drive.
One of my greatest pet peeves while on long drives are when people tailgate me when I am already at the speed limit. I hate speeding tickets. If I want to race I will go to a track or racing school. One of my favorite parts of long drives is the Justice Porn! Almost out of Indiana, I watched a bully of a trucker get tagged by a State Highway patrol car. It happened again just past St. Louis when a Camaro barrelled past me at 90mph in the right lane.

For fun, in each state I visit I have been buying 5$ lotto tickets. I am at 100% "Soy un Pedador" thus far. Odds are you'll waste money on this one...
By the end of the day it ended up being a beautiful drive and I got to enjoy a nice dinner with my friend Josh. PS: We also pulled a few shenanigans on our co-workers like the following photo for our friend Casey.

Here is today's Time Lapse for your entertainment...

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